PLEASE NOTE! All Event Times are expressed as Central Time. If you are outside the Central Time Zone, please adjust accordingly.

HRE: Employee Recordkeeping, Reports & Personnel Files LIVE ONLINE 6/26/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Participants will learn an introduction to postings, recordkeeping and retention, immigration law and access to personnel files. This session will serve as a guide for participants as well as reference […]

Strategic HR: Driving Employee Engagement LIVE ONLINE 6/26/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

HR Strategy: Driving Employee Engagement Keeping employees engaged has become more challenging than ever with the evolving nature of the workplace. While it’s not just up to HR to keep employees engaged, […]

MS Excel Tips & Tricks LIVE ONLINE 6/27/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Excel Tips & Tricks can significantly increase productivity and efficiency by allowing you to work smarter and faster. Learning Excel tips is highly beneficial for anyone working with data or […]

Effective Email Management LIVE ONLINE 6/27/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Effectively managing your email inbox can be key time management and increased productivity. The most effective email users are seen as more reliable and accessible just by following a few […]

Preventing Procrastination LIVE ONLINE 6/27/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Everyone can be guilty of procrastinating from time to time and putting off unpleasant tasks. However, the habitual cycle of putting things off and slacking until the last minute, and […]

Delegation Skills ST. LOUIS 6/28/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Delegation is not only a way of increasing your personal productivity–if used effectively, but delegation can also be a useful tool for training, coaching, and empowering employees. Successful delegation requires […]

Active Listening ST LOUIS 6/28/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

The number one cause of confusion, stress, miscommunication, and conflict comes from people not listening to each other. With so many distractions, high levels of stress, and packed schedules, it’s […]

KLS: Influencing Positive Change LIVE ONLINE 7/2/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

While most people and organizations enjoy stability and consistency, change is an inescapable fact in our lives. Technology and the economy demand that we adapt to new and different circumstances on […]

Leadership for Leads ST. LOUIS – JULY 2024

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Making the transition from team member to team lead can be challenging. This course helps you assess and develop your leadership skills, discover practical and proven ways to effectively communicate, […]

HRE: Employee Communications for HR Professionals LIVE ONLINE 7/9/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

This course offers a review of the role of Human Resources in communicating with employees. It will examine best practices, issues & challenges that persons in human resources deal with […]

Customized Training Courses

Why settle for standard public training when you can have a custom program that would include your Mission, Vision, and Company Values? Imagine a program that tailors the workshop and activities to the market you serve! If this sounds appealing, call your AAIM Account Executive today to explore the possibilities.