PLEASE NOTE! All Event Times are expressed as Central Time. If you are outside the Central Time Zone, please adjust accordingly.

Critical Thinking Skills ST. LOUIS 11/21/24

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Critical thinking is the foundation of most essential workplace skills including problem-solving, decision making, leadership, and strategic thinking. In this course, participants will learn ways to find new solutions, tips […]

Presentation Skills ST. LOUIS 12/05/2024 – CANCELLED

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Presentation Skills is an interactive course designed to help professionals speak efficiently and effectively by teaching ways to prepare and deliver presentations, and engage audiences. This course provides an encouraging […]

Motivational Skills for Leaders ST. LOUIS 12/12/24 – CANCELLED

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Leaders are tasked with ‘motivating’ people and building engagement, but doing so can be difficult. In this course, participants will learn ways to help build employee engagement and performance, as […]

Resolving Conflict in Today’s Workplace ST. LOUIS 12/12/24 – CANCELLED

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Conflict happens. It’s a fact of life. But did you know that it can actually be helpful and productive if handled the right way? When emotions like fear, anger, resentment […]

Sales Communication Skills LIVE ONLINE 01/17/25

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

As a Sales Team member, you constantly have opportunity to use Value Added Selling to share the benefits of your Products and Services, your organization, and yourself. A clear Elevator Speech […]

Interpersonal Communication Skills ST. LOUIS 02/04/2025

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Every relationship, both personal and professional, is dependent upon communication. Successful projects and businesses depend on people accurately understanding one another. In this course, participants will learn to communicate with […]

Working with Difficult People ST. LOUIS 2/4/2025

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

There are difficult people everywhere, and everyone has to deal with them. There will always be coworkers, managers, or customers who push you over the edge. The good news is […]

Assertive Communication Skills ST. LOUIS 02/25/2025

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

To be successful in today’s challenging workplace, you must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently. This course teaches key communication skills that helps you speak, write, and behave in […]

Exceptional Customer Service LIVE ONLINE 02/28/25

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

As Account Team Members build relationships with clients, they are challenged with consistently providing exceptional Customer Service. Communicating effectively with those clients, especially by phone and email, can be a challenge. Further, […]

Negotiating Skills – ST. LOUIS 03/13/2025

AAIM St. Louis Office 12851 Manchester Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, MO, United States

Negotiation is the process by which you resolve the differences between parties in a manner that provides a positive outcome for all groups, and leaves everyone looking forward to working […]

Customized Training Courses

Why settle for standard public training when you can have a custom program that would include your Mission, Vision, and Company Values? Imagine a program that tailors the workshop and activities to the market you serve! If this sounds appealing, call your AAIM Account Executive today to explore the possibilities.