HR Library
Are you an AAIM Employers’ Association member who needs access to our HR library? Your member dashboard is waiting for you.
Are you an AAIM Employers’ Association member who needs access to our HR library? Your member dashboard is waiting for you.
In addition to 24/7 HR hotline support, AAIM membership services also include unlimited access to various human resource materials from online business libraries that include the latest business news, safety, labor legislation, and workforce data. Our HR library resource database is updated regularly, and searching for the proper documents is seamless with adjustable filters to search by state or topic.
Whether you need information on background screenings or affirmative action plans, our HR library has all the human resource materials you need to run a successful, efficient HR department. We have four different libraries that cover a variety of HR topics. When you’re an AAIM member, you get unlimited access to all of them—from anywhere and at any time. AAIM members also get compliance alerts daily, notifying them when something new has surfaced, or something has changed on a local, national, or legislative level.
You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars a year to get informative, quality human resource materials from well-known databases.
You can save money and improve your company’s bottom line by becoming an AAIM member and accessing our comprehensive HR libraries. With access to thousands of essential documents, checklists, podcasts, policies, and PowerPoints, everything you need to operate an efficient HR department is at your fingertips—and for one affordable membership cost. As an HR professional, it’s easy to wonder if you’re making the right decisions, but with an AAIM membership and access to our HR libraries, rest assured that every decision you make is backed by documentation and resources created by top associations in the industry. Contact us today to learn more about our membership services.
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