Member Fees: $0
Non-Member Fees: $0
Reasonable Suspicion is the belief or suspicion that an employee is in violation of company policy by being under the influence at the workplace. Reasonable Suspicion is the standard that can lead to the drug testing of an employee. AAIM’s “Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors – Live Online” helps front-line leaders gain the knowledge and confidence they need to make reasonable suspicion determinations to protect team members and their organization. We will discuss the signs and symptoms to make the call on suspected impairment to avoid potential liabilities, as well as discuss how to avoid safety risks by identifying the signs and symptoms of substance use and abuse in the workplace. This course’s facilitator is Bill Judge, an attorney, and expert in workplace Drug & Alcohol testing with over 35 years of experience on this subject. Along with the presentation of the training to your supervisors on Reasonable Suspicion, Bill will also review and discuss your specific company policy and provide time for an open question-and-answer session to ensure a complete understanding of Reasonable Suspicion. This 2-Hour Live Online class is vital to help protect your organization, employees, and individuals from injury and potential liabilities.
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